Balancing- What you should be and What you are

(This is an unedited post. I have not done its spell and grammar check. It was high time that I did not continue with posting. Of course, I grew in other areas of my life during these days. I realized today that I have a commitment towards this blog and its few readers. So I decided to shoot the one directly from my heart.)

People have tendency to motivate themselves by feeling pain in their current life situations. This creates the impetus for them to move away from where they are right now. This is one way of going for your desires. We have been conditioned to think and act this way.

The focus in this way of living is to move towards what you should be, and constantly feeling unhappy about your current situations in life. This is generally a process occurring in your psyche outside your conscious awareness. There may not be an intention to deal with the life this way. But, this is the way it is for the most.

The critical aspect that is missing here is the acknowledgment what you are. You devalue your current self. You obsessively tend to focus towards something different and more attractive aspects of yourself that has not yet manifested in your present self.

The excessive and obsessive focus on What you should be than What you are!

Many times the content of ‘what you should be’ reflects not your own desires emerging form your heart but the taught or conditioned expectations of what you should be.

People find this way of approaching life motivating, because that makes them feel enthusiastic about what they want to be. The feeling of enthusiasm and the feeling of ‘I am moving towards the better’ keep people get trapped in this way of thinking patterns. The way they are does not feel ‘very right’ to them. The underlying belief of ‘not good’ gets masked in the process and they continue to go with their lives in the pattern of always achieving more.

The happiness of life is not in reaching to some destination. It is in the process. If you agree with this, you are missing the essence of this philosophy when your life is motivated obsessively by what you should be than by what you are.

I also believe that this process of obsessively propelling yourself by creating impetus from feeling painful about your present situation does not help in the long run. The time never comes when you are free from your ‘what you should be’s. This may go on till you are on this planet in this human incarnation.

I see a better way of walking the path of our lives. Focusing on what you already are. Smelling all aspects of yours. Your physical appearance to your intellectual abilities. Focusing on your strengths and also your difficulties. Accepting you as the divine mixture of strengths and difficulties (learning- opportunities to create more strengths).

Some may argue here that how one can get the impetus to make the life better and grow for living higher level of life experiences. If you are happy with what you are and shift the focus from what you should be, how can someone move towards better. This may not be logical way to adopt for the most.

I am of the opinion (this has my personal experiences to back-up) that the path of happiness is accepting what you are and at the same time having desires to grow for the better (not an obsessive focus on ‘what you should be’). The impetus for the growth and moving on the path comes from the desires and images of what you are moving towards. The critical difference from the previous way of going is that there is no pain in ‘what you are’! You are convinced that you are devinely capable of manifesting what you desire. You are attracted towards what you desire rather than forcefully propelled from where you are.

I hope that the message I want to pass on has reached to you from these words. I suggest you to read the post again if you do not get an intuitive sense of a new insight from these words. No logic can convince you about this. Only the experience of living this way and an intuitive insight can really help you ‘know’ the value.

Dr. Sudeep Shroff

Grateful about the present and pulled by the possibilities of the future

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