Is Day Dreaming Helpful?

There are different opinions about Day Dreaming. One group may say that Day Dreaming is a waste of time. People can do much more by taking actions than day dreaming. The people in other group favors the process of day dreaming. And an another third group, as in any other case, has no sure side to take.

I believe that actions are critical in creating something useful in the World we experience through our Mind. Just thinking about something can not make it happen. It can create opportunities for you, take you closure to your goals but if you don’t grab those opportunities or take some actions, you are not actually impacting the Reality you live in.

At the same time, I believe that Day Dreaming is equally important. Here I am talking about Day Dreaming as a Visualizing Process that triggers new connections inside your brain. If you want to make an impact in your Reality with something which you have not yet learned, Day Dreaming can really help you preparing your brain for the same.

What is Empowering Day Dreaming?

It is an Effective Visualizing. It includes multiple Sensory Channels experience for you. It begins with an Intention. It gradually deepens and expands. Deepening intensifies the experiences. Expanding spreads the experiences into different areas of life.

Feelings are essential

The Day Dreaming that triggers associated feelings is really helping you produce the results in your life. If you visualize something but the feelings are not congruent with your visualization, then it will not create the outcomes you want to create.

Obsession with Day Dreaming is a warning sign

If you can see in your life that day dreaming is helping you take those steps which you were afraid to take before or procrastinated for a long, then it is working in your favor.

On the other hand, if you find that Day Dreaming is compelling you to Day Dream more and takes you away from taking actions, then it is working against you. It means that you need to make some changes in the way you do the whole process.

NLP (Neuro- Linguistic Programming) has Visualization as its integral part of various strategies that help people make significant changes in their lives. So, those who strongly discard an idea of Day Dreaming as a useless, time-wasting activity need to reconsider the concept. Of course, you are compelled to day dream and if that takes you away from taking actions, then there is something you need to adjust with the way you do it.

Advantages of Empowering Day Dreaming

• It triggers new connections inside your brain. So when you actually get involved in the similar activity in your Life, it is easier for you to handle. You have already prepared for it!

• You experience the Possibilities inside you as a Real Experience. That increases the chances of those Possibilities turning into a Reality.

• When you work continuously to produce a desired outcome, it is likely that you may often get frustrated if you don’t see yourself moving closer to your goals. Day Dreaming can give you hope and positive experiences.

• Day Dreaming can help you get rid of draining emotions that you carry with you. If you have feelings of resentment, jealousy or anger for someone, you can get rid of them if you Day Dream effectively.

That’s it for today. A short one.

Dr. Sudeep Shroff
Day Dreamer

3 thoughts on “Is Day Dreaming Helpful?”

  1. Charlie Chaplin’s 3 Heart touching statements:

    1st : Nothing is permanent in this world, not even your toubles…

    2nd: I like walking in the rain, b’coz nobody can see my tears…

    3rd: The most wasted day in life, is the day, in which we have not laughed…

    So keep laughing…

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