Living Your True-self


We are given our identity by the people around us since we are born. We are identified by our parents, place of birth, the culture we are born in and by our physical appearance. The questions that I always ask to myself  are:

who was Ibefore I received this identity?

How was I identified then?

Did I really have some some identity before this?

Did I really exist before this?

Thniking becomes more metaphysical when you dive into this kind of exploration. For some, it may be anxiety provoking. Yes, it is, because you dive into the pool of uncertainty! People tend to avoid it due to  the fear of getting lost.

I intend to make things simple here. I have written before about it in my post- Find And Live Your True-self.  I am sure that this post shall bring some more clarity to this.

The person whom I admire much, Dr. Wayne Dyer says things in an easy to understand way in this matter. He tells that,

the problem starts when we over-identify with our Ego-self (the self that we learn to be ourself since we are born) and forget about our True Nature.

He asks us to think about how gracefully we were taken care of when we were inside our mothers’ womb. We get into the ‘form’ from ‘non-form’ and grows at the speed and on the path designed by some mysterious power. We just surrender ourselves to the process and let it happen. We stop surrendering when we grow up!

The medical science is also fascinated by the process of our intra-uterine journey- the time from conception to birth! At a precise moment we come into ‘being‘ and  then live on this planet for decades.
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